The different stages of family mediation
For information on family mediation, please read the introduction to family mediation page
I will start by sending you a preliminary information form as well as an agreement to mediate
Initial meeting
A first initial meeting is set up with each client, during which we will determine whether mediation is for you and whether I am the right mediator for you.
Based on the form that you will have filled in, I will try and learn more about each of you, the current situation as well as how you communicate between you, and with the children.
I will take time to explain what mediation is, and while doing so, we will go through the agreement to mediate.
This will be the perfect time for you to ask questions, to share your concerns about mediation or your partner your thoughts about the mediation.
During this initial meeting I will make sure that nothing stands in the way of mediation (no cases of domestic violence, or other type of coersion)
The first meeting with the three of us
During the first meeting with the three of us, we will once more go through the agreement to mediate before signing it. You will be able to ask more questions.
once the agreement is signed, we can start work!
The sessions: How many sessions do we need and how long do they last?
It usually takes 4 to 6 sessions of 1h30, but it all depends on your situation and on how easy the communication is. It is important to remain flexible.
Likewise, the sessions generally last 1h30, but they can be shorter or longer.
Depending on the situation, meetings may be monthly, twice a month or may be more spaced apart. We still try not to space them out too much, in order to maintain the dialogue.
We have come to an agreement during mediation, what is the next step?
Depending on the situation and the jurisdiction, I can help you draft an agreement (France) so that you can then have it approved by the judge, a parental agreement
In England & Wales I can assist you with drafting various documents such as memorandum of understanding, an draft opening final statement.
To know more about the mediation fees you can contact me : sjt@tasteyrefamilylaw.co.uk
Payment will need to be made made before each session.
Additional Resources
Mediation in France
La médiation familiale | Justice.fr
Modes amiables | Barreau de Paris (avocatparis.org)
LA MÉDIATION | Barreau de Paris (avocatparis.org)
Mediation in E&W
Home - Family Mediation Council
Family mediation mediation Family Family
mediation Family mediation Family mediation (publishing.service.gov.uk)
Making child arrangements if you divorce or separate: Get help agreeing - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Using mediation to help you separate - Citizens Advice
National Family Mediation Service | We Help Families In Conflict (nfm.org.uk)
Mediation in Hong Kong